Vlone Hub Privacy Overview

We value the privacy and security of your data at hoodiestoreofficial.com. To offer you a wonderful shopping experience and ensure that the goods you order reach their destination, we gather and process some personal data. This Privacy Overview will highlight some aspects of our Privacy Policy and explain what information we gather, how we collect it, and why. It will also clarify what rights you have in relation to your data and what demands you can make of us.

We may collect personal information:

  • Email address, name, or picture when you visit our website 
  • Personal data is collected through or generated through our website.
  • IP address
  • Your use of the website, such as details on your initial visit prior visit and the current one, the pages that you visit, and the way you browse on the site;
  • How often do you opt to open an email newsletter, and which sections do you choose?

Why we Collecting your Data

  • We collect this to make ourselves convenient, and customer-friendly, and to know what users want from us.
  • Keeping in touch with our visitors
  • Improving our fashion appetite and behavior communication.
  • Understanding your interest and your perspectives on it.
  • To keep making our website improved and secured.

We will only save your personal information for as long as it is required to fulfill the objectives for which it was collected. Personal information will be kept on file to communicate with you about our New Offers, coupons, and Gifts for you. All of your personal data will be maintained for no more than one year to comply with the records retention obligations that apply to us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy and/or practices, please send an e-mail to admin@hoodiestoreofficial.com.